Donation Forms

Collect donations from your supporters easily and securely with online donation forms.

Donation Forms

All donation pages come with a donation form with all the following features included. You can even just have a donation page with just a donation form. This can work particularly well for SMS fundraising campaigns. 

Donation Form Features

Regular Giving

All donation forms have the ability to add regular giving options. This gives your donors the choice of donating once or regularly to your organisation... and who wouldn't love that!

Regular giving frequency options include weekly, fortnightly or monthly and you can select what frequencies are offered to your supporters on the donation form. 

By having this option you have the ability to receive consistent income for you organisation as well as increase the lifetime value of your donors. 

Dollar Handles

Add set dollar amounts to your donation form to encourage your supporters to give desired donation amounts.

Dollar handles can be customised for each donation page/ campaign or set to specific price points. They can also be personalised for repeat donors based on their previous donations. This allows you to set dollar handles as $25, $50, $75 for a donor that donated $25 last time as well as have different dollar handles of $500, $650, $800 for a donor that previously donated $500.

This allows your organisation to maximise donations by not encouraging supporter's to give less than what they usually give and maintain supporter relationships by only suggesting amounts you know they are comfortable with.

Matched Multiplier

The matched multiplier tool allows your donor to see instantly what their donation will be matched to. i.e. 2x, 3x or 4x.

For example, a donation of $50 with a 3x multiplier would show as a $150. 

This is a great tool to inspire your supporters to donate and donate more as they can visually see their money goes further.

Custom Form Fields

By default all donation forms come with amount, first name, last name and email form fields a donor must complete in order to donate.

On top of these fields you can also add custom form fields and select whether or not these are required to be completed by the donor. 

These custom fields can be text, number or dropdown fields. For example, you can add fields for phone, address, city, postcode, state, message of support or any other data point you wish to capture. 

Messages Of Support

Another feature of the donation form and page is the ability to capture messages of support that supporters can add on donation.

This is not only a great way to engage your donors but also encourages other supporters to donate to your cause. 

It is also wonderful way for your organisation to see and feel the love!

Donate Anonymously

Along with the ability to donate with a message that is displayed on your page donors also have the ability to remain anonymous with their donation.

This ensures supporters aren't reluctant to donate due to the inability to be anonymous.

It's important to note that your organisation will still be able to see the donors details in the backend of the platform for your own records.

Multiple Payment Options

All donation forms have multiple payment options including credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay and PayPal. Your GiveEasy account already comes with credit card, Apple Pay and Google Pay already set up on sign up. If you have a PayPal account this is something you can connect with the GiveEasy platform for free.

By having multiple payment options you can increase conversions, donor loyalty and attract new supporters to donate as well as reduce donor abandonment. This is due to the increased security and convenience of stored payment details. 

Request A Free Tour

Sometimes the best way to know if something is for you is to see it in action! Let us run you through the GiveEasy platform for free and help you find the right solution for you.

How To Get Started


Sign Up For Free

Setting up an account with GiveEasy is free. All you need is a contact person and your organisation's details.


Create & Design

Once you have an account, all you need to do is select a page template and customise your page until you achieve your desired design.



Share your donation page through your communication channels and watch the donations roll in.

Trusted by:

Leukaemia Foundation Logo
Children's Hospital Foundation Logo
Arts Centre Melbourne Logo
Save The Bilby Fund Logo