With tax time just around the corner, we have all started to think about our end of financial year appeals and how to get the most from our campaigns.
What is Matched Giving?
Essentially, matched giving is a little bit of marketing magic for a charity.
Hot Tip:
A matching donation is a donation that has been committed but not yet transferred to a charity. The campaign is based on 'if you give $1, I will give $1 as well'. If the donation is already received you could get into hot water for misleading donors.
Who can be a Matched Giving Partner?
The short answer is – anyone. The challenge is that we need the matched amount to be significant enough to get the all-important hype around the campaign. With as little as $10k in matched funds you can still create a powerful campaign. This can be from one donor or a combination of donors.
2. One QR Code to One Person
If you have a major donor that frequently gives generously at a particular time of year, ask if they would be willing to use their donation for a matched giving campaign instead.
Pooling donation offers from several smaller benefactors is also another way you can get enough matched funding for a special campaign (albeit slightly more work). You can pool together multiple giving partners to simply hit a matched fund of $10,000 or more.
Approach corporate partners and new businesses and ask them to get involved. As part of being a Corporate Giving Partner you can highlight their logo through the campaign and related marketing materials where it is relevant. This is often a huge benefit to businesses who can do good while also highlighting their business is proactively supporting the community.
If your organisation has a board, you should leverage this. These people care about your cause and regularly donate funds to your charity. Ask your board members if you can use their next donation to help gamify your next campaign into matched giving.
If you are lucky enough to secure grants and funding from philanthropic or government sources use these funds as a part of your next matched giving campaign. However, it’s important to read and ask about the terms and conditions of your funding to ensure the funds can be used for matched giving purposes.
Sourcing a matched giving partner and creating a matched giving campaign takes time but if you put the work in early, it will pay off. You can also use a matched donation for any of your peak campaigns across Tax and Christmas if the idea of an independent campaign is too daunting at first.

What To Do Once You Have Secured a Matched Giving Partner
1. Determine the Key Details
Once you have secured a giving partner it’s important you discuss some of the key information around the campaign:
If you are lucky enough to secure grants and funding from philanthropic or government sources use these funds as a part of your next matched giving campaign. However, it’s important to read and ask about the terms and conditions of your funding to ensure the funds can be used for matched giving purposes.
Matched giving campaigns often also come with an end date. Setting a deadline of “your donations will be matched if you give before 30 June” is an example of a time-based deadline for the matched giving. Time-based deadlines can be used on their own if a matched giver is willing to match all donations made in that period. They can also be used in combination with a maximum amount, for example, “Your gift will be matched dollar for dollar until we raise $200,000 or until 30 June”.
The match ratio is the multiplier. Will the public’s donations be matched dollar for dollar 1:1 or will it be tripled, quadrupled, or even be multiplied by 10?
The final thing to discuss with your matched giving partner is whether or not they would like to be anonymous. Ideally, you want your giving partner to be known. This creates greater transparency to a donor and makes it easier with promotional materials and messaging.
2. Set Up Your Matched Giving Campaign
Don’t worry it’s not as scary as you think.
Multiplier Tool
The first thing that you will need is a donation page. But not just any donation page. A donation page that has a multiplier tool. This is for the match ratio we talked about earlier. With a multiplier tool any donations will be instantly matched and visible to the donor.

With the right software behind you, this is a simple process. All you have to do is add in your match ratio and watch the donations automatically be matched as they roll in.

Thermometer Bar
The second key feature your donation page will need is a thermometer bar. A thermometer bar gives donors a visual display of the progress of your campaign. And more importantly how much has been raised and how much is still to go.

Again with the right software (cough cough GiveEasy), adding thermometer bars can be as easy as selecting your appeal and setting you appeal goal. Without it, that headache will probably turn into a migraine.

Countdown Timer
Last but not least, your page needs a countdown timer. A countdown timer is a tool that ensures everyone can see how much time is left on the campaign and creates an urgency to give.

With your matched giving deadline being highlighted in a countdown timer, not only does this help gamify the campaign it also calls attention to the fact that donations will only be matched for a limited time. Think of it like a boxing day sale. For 24 hours only you will get more bang for your buck.

Now we’re probably sounding like a broken record at this point. But without the right software, adding this feature is much harder than it needs to be.

Final Comments
GiveEasy donation pages also have the ability to add:
So it’s really a no-brainer. Whether you’re still in fact finding mode or ready to set up a campaign. Get in touch and find out how our software can help you on your next matched giving campaign.
Want to know more about matched giving?
Chat to us about matched giving or get started right away with our giving day donation page.

Claire Baxter
Head of Fundraising
Kidney Health Australia
Matched giving days are the secret weapon to time-based fundraising. They increase revenue, reactivate and acquire donors, raise awareness and importantly, they are fun for everyone involved!